Sylvia and the EDGE program


Friends of Sylvia said...

I was in EDGE 2000 @ Bryn Mawr College. Dr. Bozeman took the time to make certain that I felt comfortable (as an older student among the recent college graduates) and that I understood the importance of getting a PhD in the field of mathematics. She gently encouraged me to work with Dr. J. Ernest Wilkins at Clark Atlanta University. I am so glad that she has been there for me beyond EDGE!!!
I certainly appreciate your patience and continued support.
Katrina Harden Williams

Friends of Sylvia said...

Sylvia and I found a shared passion in the EDGE Program. I believe it was the idea we had both been looking for to help women navigate the terrain of graduate school. Along the way, we have been rewarded with wonderful friendships and amazing students, many of whom are now mathematicians.
I have learned so much from Sylvia about how to be a mentor, and how to keep calm in the face of adversity. Her friendship, style, and grace have enriched my life.
Rhonda Hughes

Janis Oldham said...

Sylvia draws you in...especially when you are not on guard!

Years ago I was asked to give a talk at an EDGE session. It was EDGE '99, held at Spelman College. ( I met Rhonda Hughes for the first time at Spelman....until then I had had no idea that Sylvia had a twin......).

Then I was asked to sit on a committee evaluating EDGE. Then serve on a selection committe. Then teach a course in EDGE's summer program. Then serve as a local host of the program. Now I am working with Ellen Kirkman and the NC EDGE mentoring cluster.

How did I get so involved? Because sincere, dedicated people like Sylvia inspire you to join in their effort. People like Sylvia make you believe you can make a difference, and they value your contribution, so you want to join in their work again and again.

I have also come to love EDGE and what Sylvia and Rhonda have accomplished through this program (perhaps not as much as AMY.... but I'm up there).

Hatshepsitu said...

I've know Dr. Bozeman since my freshman year at Spelman where she taught me my first theoretical math class. She was an excellent teacher and mentor then and she continues to be one to me and countless others to this day. This is such an honor!

Hatshepsitu (Happy) Tull